What a difference a cold front makes on these fish. I tell people all the time, tarpon are very sensitive to any weather, especially cold weather. Last week we had lots of hungry tarpon around and hooked a bunch of fly and spin. This past week a cold front blew through and completely shut down the tarpon. If warms quickly they will show back up. This is not typically for March. We do get fronts in March but not big ones. Looking forward to the returning of some big fish and when they return they are usually hungry. I do love this time of year in Everglades National Park.
Categories: Everglades Fishing, Everglades Fishing Charters, Everglades fishing guide, everglades fishing guides, Everglades fly fishing guide, everglades fly fishing guides, Fishing Articles, Fishing Reports, Ft. Lauderdale fishing charter, Miami Fishing GuideBy jasons
Tags: evergladesEverglades fishingEverglades Fishing CharterEverglades fishing chartersEverglades Fishing Guideeverglades fishing guidesEverglades Fly FishingEverglades Fly Fishing GuideEverglades Tarpon Fishingeverglades tarpon tipsFly FishingMiami Fishing GuideMiami Fishing GuidesSnook fishingSnook fishing GuideTarpon Tips